© all images copyright of alan chen (use prohibited without consent of me!)

Welcome to the Heavenlyview!

Created by an enthusiast!

This site was created to provide the viewer some ideas of what can achieved by a typical amateur (that would be me!) utilizing the modest equipment available today. With each passing year, the costs for computerized telescopes and cooled-ccd cameras have become increasingly affordable, allowing many to enter the hobby on a relatively modest budget. DSLRs, digital cameras and webcams, prevalent in today’s society, have also been used to generate excellent images. With the right equipment and some good ‘ole perseverance, there really are no bounds to what can be accomplished today.

The site

In addition to the typical gallery of images, there are also pages dedicated to the equipment I have dabbled with over the years and some general info, including a bit about me and several useful links and fellow websites. I hope you enjoy perusing the site and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me using the mail links.