© all images copyright of alan chen (use prohibited without consent of me!)
Newt Gallery

10” Homemade Newtonian Images

The gallery pages have been separated out by scope and camera. All of these were taken with either the 12” Astrotech RC or a homemade 10” Newtonian

mounted on a Losmandy Titan or AP1200 and shot with Starlight Xpress H36 or M25C cameras.

Object: IC405 (Flame Nebula) Constellation: Auriga Scope: 10” Homemade Newtonian F4 Mount: Losmandy Titan Camera: Starlight Xpress SXVR-H36 Guide camera: EXguider Guider: OAG Image info: 630 min, 10 min subframes monochrome Size: 2871x2323 Date: Multiple to 2.8.13 Location: Home