beautiful Rosette Nebula resides in the constellation of Monoceros, adjacent
to Orion in the winter skies. This particular image was the first I've
taken using an OAG for guiding. With the Keller corrector, the space is
tight, requiring a narrow OAG. The SX OAG fit the bill and worked well,
once adjusted. This image was taken at my driveway in Orlando, Florida,
under mag 3.7 skies.
Please use the links to scan
the larger versions of this image. This image is only 33 percent of full
10" Homebuilt Newtonian
Starlight Express SXV-M25
one-shot ccd camera
18x10 (total of 180 mins)
f/3 with Keller Corrector
and H-alpha filter
Color converted, stacked and flattened in Maxim and tweaked in PS
Guided with SX OAG and SX
guide head
Orlando, Florida