
Updated: 11.28.03

NGC7331 is a large (11'x4') and highly detailed galaxy in Pegasus. Along with it's 4 brighter nearby neighbors, it is often referred to as the Deer Lick group. Other smaller galaxies can also be seen in the background. Some field curvature is present, since the Meade focal reducers are not flat to the edges of the larger H9C chip. This image was taken at the Chiefland Star Party, 2003.

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Image info:

12"LX200 on a Losmandy Titan Mount

Starlight Express

35x4 mins

f/6 (f/3.3 FR at 0mm spacing)

Stacked and processed in Astroart (no darks and no flats)

guided with the MX7C on a piggybacked Sky90 refractor with 2x barlow


Chiefland Star Party