10" Homebuilt Newtonian
for Ha and RGB
Starlight Express SXV-H36
monochrome and SXV-M25 one-shot ccd camera
Ha: 44x10 minutes (440 total)
at f/4 with the MPCC
RGB: 46x4 minutes (184 total)
at f/3 Keller Corrector and IDAS filter
Stacked and flattened in Maxim,
combined with Registar and processed in PS
Ha guided with SX OAG and
SX guide head
RGB guided with Sky90 and SX
guide head
10.24.11, 10.25.11 and 11.04.11
Ha (H36)
09.26.06 RGB (M25C)
Orlando, FL (Ha) and Pine Hill
Campground, PA (RGB)