NGC5907 is an excellent ccd
target located in Draco and is a nearly edge-on galaxy. It is large, with
dimensions of 12.3' x 1.8' and was imaged with the 15mm spacer and f/3.3FR
(some field curvature present). The most remarkable aspect of this image
is the very distinct galaxy colors that show up in this 44 minute exposure!
A comparison of this image to one taken by the MX7C is also shown on the
main SXV image page.
to new images
Image info:
12"LX200 on a Losmandy
Titan Mount
Starlight Express
11x4 mins
f/4.0? (15 mm spacer used)
Stacked and processed in Astroart
guided with a Mintron 12V1
on a piggybacked 80mm Stellarvue 78L f/9.6 refractor