NGC5128 is also known as Centaurus
A. Even lower in position than NGC2997 (Antlia), this object peaks at
about 17 deg from the Chiefland imaging site. If it weren't for the shear
brightness (mag 7) and size (18' diameter), it would be an even toughter
object from the southern states. Like NGC2997, this is worth a try this
time of year! Some optical issues are evident in this shot - possible
optics shift for low objects. This shot was taken during the Chiefland
Spring Star Party.
to new images
Image info:
12"LX200 on a Losmandy
Titan Mount
Starlight Express
21x4 mins
f/5.3 (Optec FR)
Acquired and processed in
Maxim (no darks and no flats)
guided with an STV on a piggybacked
Sky90 refractor