NGC2997 is a large and beautiful
galaxy in the southern constellation of Antlia. It is 8' x 7' in size
and has a brightness of mag 11. However, due to low surface brightness
and position in the sky (peaks at less than 30 deg), it is a difficult
object to see and image from the states. Still a nice object worthy of
a try this time of year! This shot was taken during the first night of
the Chiefland Spring Star Party, where the seeing was not optimal (improved
during the night and next 2 nights).
to new images
Image info:
12"LX200 on a Losmandy
Titan Mount
Starlight Express
36x4 mins
f/5.3 (Optec FR)
Acquired and processed in
Maxim (no darks and no flats)
guided with an STV on a piggybacked
Sky90 refractor