M83, in Hydra, is one of the
premier galaxies in the sky, but better positioned for southern viewers.
It is both large, at 13' x 11.5' and very bright, with a listed magnitude
of 8.1! At Chiefland, it reached an altitude of only 31 degrees, but the
seeing was good to start with and improved steadily during the imaging
session. This shot was taken during the Chiefland Spring Star Party.
Image info:
12"LX200 on a Losmandy
Titan Mount
Starlight Express
36x4 mins
f/5.3 (Optec FR)
Acquired and processed in
Maxim (no darks and no flats) (reprocessed on 1/25/05)
guided with an STV on a piggybacked
Sky90 refractor
Chiefland Spring Star Party