M78 is part of a large complex of gas and dust, located in the constellation
of Orion. It is typically known as a reflection nebula, illuminated by
hot young stars, but some ionization also occurs in the region, generating
a reddish h-alpha emission. This image was taken at the Ocala National
Forest, just north of Orlando with the M25C and 10" Newt at f/3.
Please use the links to scan
the larger versions of this image. This image is only 33 percent of full
10" Homebuilt Newtonian
Starlight Express SXV-M25
one-shot ccd camera
16x8 (total of 128 mins)
f/3 with Keller Corrector
Color converted, stacked and flattened in Maxim and tweaked in PS
Guided with SX OAG and SX
guide head
Ocala National Park, FL