M42 test

Updated: 1.10.03

First light for the TITAN! Here are 2 images of M42 taken at f/5.8 and f/10. Both show high potential for the Titan mount even though individual exposures were for 1 minute (f/5.8) and 2 minutes (f/10).

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The f/5.8 shot has stars that are mishapen from pinched optics (since resolved - the mirror was pressing up against the flocking that was lifted up from the through-bolts!). Still, the guiding of the mount went very well, as evidenced by the sizes of the fainter stars. I've never had stars that fit primarily into a single pixel before!

Image info:

12"LX200 on a Losmandy Titan

Starlight Express

f/5.8 and f/10

Stacked and processed in Astroart
