M27, the Dumbell Nebula in
Vulpecula, is a beautifully large and bright planetary that rivals the
Ring in name recognition. This particular image used an (L+R)RGB combine
to bring out a bit more of the internal structure. The image was taken
at f/10, but reduced to 80%, so effectively appears as an f/8 image scale.
Only 36 minutes were shot at this slow speed due to the impending sunrise
(last frame at 5:32AM). The shot was taken at Chiefland, Florida during
the last new moon event.
Image info:
12"LX200 on a Losmandy
Titan Mount
Starlight Express
18x2 mins
Stacked and processed in Maxim
(no darks and no flats), reduced to 80%
guided with an STV on a piggybacked
Sky90 refractor