This shot of the Crab Nebula,
located in Taurus, was taken with the SXV-H9C, f/3.3 focal reducer and
10mm spacer to give a final f/ratio of f/6.28! The slower speed and smaller
H9C pixels provides a nice image scale for smaller objects. The seeing
was a bit soft due to the low placement of M1 in the sky. A redo will
be done once M1 is situated closer to the zenith. A mix of 10%R and 90%L
made up the luminance for this image.
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Image info:
12"LX200 on a Losmandy
Titan Mount
Starlight Express
IDAS filter
25x3 mins (L+10%R)RGB
f/6.28 (10 mm spacer used)
Stacked and processed in Astroart
guided with the MX7C on a
piggybacked Sky90 refractor with 2x barlow