
Updated: 6.30.04

The Swan Nebula (M17) is a bright emission nebula located in Sagittarius. It is also known as the Omega Nebula depending on how it is viewed! This shot was taken at Chiefland during the last new moon and like several of the other June '04 images, utilized an f/3.3 FR without spacers during imaging. While there is some distortion of the stars in the corners, this combination, yielding f/6.7, does a reasonable job at maintaining a flat field with good color focus. No filters were used.

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Image info:

12"LX200 on a Losmandy Titan Mount

Starlight Express

22x4 mins

f/6.7 with an f/3.3 FR and no spacers

Stacked and processed in Maxim (no darks and no flats), reduced to 80%

guided with an STV on a piggybacked Sky90 refractor

