This image of the Horsehead complex was taken at my driveway in Orlando,
Florida, under mag 3.7 skies. The complex not only includes B33 (the Horsehead)
as part of IC434, but also the Flame (NGC2024), a small reflection nebula
below the HH (NGC2023) and a couple of small nebula patches to the left
(IC432 and IC431). This region is a favorite of imagers, especially taken
with an H-alpha filter. Visually, the Horsehead is extremely difficult
to see, requiring large aperture and transparent/dark skies. An H-beta
filter helps to visualize the nebula. In contrast, the Flame is relatively
easy to see in smaller scopes.
Please use the links to scan
the larger versions of this image. This image is only 33 percent of full
10" Homebuilt Newtonian
Starlight Express SXV-M25
one-shot ccd camera
24x10 (total of 240 mins)
f/3 with Keller Corrector
and H-alpha filter
Color converted, stacked and flattened in Maxim and tweaked in PS
Guided with SX OAG and SX
guide head
12.18.06 and 12.19.06
Orlando, Florida